
Review: WOLVERINE: Prodigal Son by Antony Johnston, art by Wilson Tortosa

The Del Rey manga program has grown significantly in the years since it began. When I was an acquiring editor for SFBC, I used to buy titles from Del Rey and saw the incredible growth of their manga division.

In time for the launch of Hugh Jackman's newest movie: X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Del Rey developed an entirely new version of everyone's favorite scrappy warrior, manga-fied.

In, Wolverine: Prodigal Son, (Vol. 1) written by Antony Johnston with art by Wilson Tortosa, we see a completely new Wolverine story, as a troubled teen left in the Canadian wilderness (ok, that sounds familiar, but it ends there - trust me), and taken into the Quiet Earth training school where he develops his martial arts prowess.

An outstanding student with some abandonment issues, Logan longs for the outside world, and when he is taken there -- carnage ensues, as does that longing to find out about his mysterious past.

It is a fine new take on the Wolverine story, obviously aimed at a young manga readership, but as a long-time Wolverine comics reader I didn't mind the spin (or any recreationas long as it is done interestingly). And if it is able to snare a bunch of new young Wolverine fans, with its black & white manga art style, then that is excellent.

Due out in April, the manga trade paperback is set to retail for $12.99.

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